SZAOMICS is a multiomics company that offers comprehensive solutions for genomic, transcriptomic, metagenomic, metabolomic, lipidomic and proteomic research.
At SZAOMICS, we are committed to providing high-quality results to our clients by utilizing state-of-the-art technology and expertise. We have a wide range of instruments that cover all aspects of multiomics research, from NGS sequencing to protein analysis. Our multiomics approach enables us to provide a comprehensive understanding of biological systems, which can lead to breakthroughs in various fields such as drug discovery and personalized medicine. Contact us today to learn more about our technology and how we can help with your research needs.
Our NGS technology is based on Illumina technology, which allows us to sequence DNA and RNA with high accuracy and sensitivity. One of the key devices used by SZAOMICS is the Novaseq 6000 sequencing system. This powerful sequencer can generate massive amounts of data quickly and accurately, making it ideal for high-throughput sequencing projects.
To prepare samples for sequencing, SZAOMICS uses the Qiasymphony automated nucleic acid extraction system, which provides high-quality nucleic acid purification for downstream analysis. The lab also utilizes the Qubit flex fluorometer and Nanodrop One spectrophotometer for accurate quantification of nucleic acids. For quality control of the samples, the lab uses the Bioanalyzer and Tapestation systems, which provide detailed information on sample integrity, concentration, and size distribution. Biorad PCR machines are also utilized for PCR amplification of DNA and RNA samples. Our lab uses the Hamilton NGS Star robotic system for automated library preparation and sequencing, allowing for streamlined and efficient processing of samples and minimize errors.
To ensure safety in the lab, SZAOMICS has Class II biosafety cabinets for handling potentially hazardous samples, and the lab is equipped with state-of-the-art ventilation systems that ensure proper airflow and containment.
Our mass spectrometry technology enables us to analyze small molecules and proteins with high precision and sensitivity. We utilize various techniques such as LC-MS/MS to provide comprehensive metabolomic, lipidomic and proteomic analysis.
SZAOMICS conducting high-resolution analysis of proteins and small molecules via Orbitrap Exploris 240 mass spectrometer and Vanquish UHPLC systems. The Lipidsearch software and Compound Discoverer software are used for the analysis of lipidomics and metabolomics data.
At SZAOMICS, we understand that the data generated from multiomics research can be overwhelming. That's why we have a dedicated team of bioinformaticians and data analysts who are experts in handling and analyzing large datasets. We use various software and tools such as R, Python, Matlab, GATK, bcl2fastq, BWA, BOWTIE2, SAMtools, VCFtools, Cutadapt, STAR, Metaphlan3, Kraken, Krona, Kallisto, Multiqc to provide accurate, comprehensive, and efficient data analysis to our clients.
The lab also uses the Dragen Bio-IT platform for bioinformatics analysis of the sequencing data, which is a highly efficient and accurate tool for identifying genomic variants, and transcriptomic analysis.